
Zazu hand disinfectant gel, 50 ml

590 Ft (nettó 465 Ft)

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Packaging: 50ml, dispensing cap

  • Does not run off the hand
  • Pleasant fragrance
  • Does not dry the skin with prolonged use
  • Kills viruses, bacteria and fungi

Good hygiene is an important step in maintaining good health. From our skin, germs can easily enter the body, causing various infectious diseases. The main goal is to prevent disease, and Zazu can help a lot. A hand sanitiser with a broad antimicrobial spectrum containing alcohol-based active ingredients. A product made in Hungary from natural ingredients, using green energy, which is gentle on the skin. Thanks to the production technology, it is free of unpleasant odours. It can be used without water, dries quickly and leaves no marks on surfaces.


Instructions for use, application parameters

  • The product should be applied concentrated, undiluted.

For hygienic hand disinfection

  • From the dispenser, 5 ml of the preparation is introduced into the palm, which is thoroughly rubbed into the skin of the hands for 30 seconds.
  • To achieve the HBV inactivating and tuberculocidal effect, a minimum of 1 minute of exposure time is required.

Surgical wash-in

  • From the dispenser, 5 ml of the preparation is introduced into the palms, which are thoroughly rubbed on the hands and forearms for 1 minute, after which the operation is repeated four more times.
  • Amount of disinfectant required for surgical washing: 5×5 ml = 25 ml
  • Time of surgical wash-in: 5 x 1 minute = 5 minutes

Skin disinfection

  • Before initiations, punctures, the skin area is treated with the disinfectant for 0.5 minutes of exposure.
  • Before surgical interventions, the time of skin disinfection is at least 3 minutes.
  • When disinfecting a skin area rich in sebaceous glands, the product should be applied with an exposure time of 10 minutes.

Surface disinfection

  • The product should be applied concentrated, undiluted.
  • Moisten the previously cleaned surface to be disinfected with the preparation so that untouched parts do not remain, and then let it dry.
  • Exposure time: 5 minutes. During the exposure time, the surface must be kept wet.

Additional information

Használati utasítás, alkalmazási paraméterek/Instructions for use, application parameters

A készítményt töményen, hígítatlanul kell alkalmazni.
The product should be applied concentrated, undiluted.

Higiénés kézfertőtlenítésre/For hygienic hand disinfection

Az adagolóból 5 ml készítményt juttatunk a tenyérbe, amelyet 30 másodpercig alaposan eldörzsölünk a kéz bőrén.
A HBV inaktiváló és tuberkulocid hatás eléréséhez minimálisan 1 perc behatási időre van szükség.
From the dispenser, 5 ml of the preparation is introduced into the palm, which is thoroughly rubbed into the skin of the hands for 30 seconds.
To achieve the HBV inactivating and tuberculocidal effect, a minimum of 1 minute of exposure time is required.

Sebészi bemosakodás/Surgical wash-in

Az adagolóból 5 ml készítményt juttatunk a tenyérbe, amelyet 1 percig alaposan eldörzsölünk a kezeken és az alkarokon, majd a műveletet még négyszer megismételjük.
A sebészi bemosakodáshoz szükséges fertőtlenítőszer mennyisége: 5×5 ml = 25 ml
A sebészi bemosakodás ideje: 5 x 1 perc = 5 perc
From the dispenser, 5 ml of the preparation is introduced into the palms, which are thoroughly rubbed on the hands and forearms for 1 minute, after which the operation is repeated four more times.
Amount of disinfectant required for surgical washing: 5×5 ml = 25 ml
Time of surgical wash-in: 5 x 1 minute = 5 minutes

Bőrfertőtlenítés/Skin disinfection

Injekciók, punkciók előtt a bőrfelületet kezeljük a fertőtlenítőszerrel 0,5 perc behatási ideig.
Műtéti beavatkozások előtt a bőrfertőtlenítés ideje minimálisan 3 perc.
Faggyúmirigyekben gazdag bőrfelület fertőtlenítése esetén 10 perc behatási idővel kell a készítményt alkalmazni.
Before initiations, punctures, the skin area is treated with the disinfectant for 0.5 minutes of exposure.
Before surgical interventions, the time of skin disinfection is at least 3 minutes.
When disinfecting a skin area rich in sebaceous glands, the product should be applied with an exposure time of 10 minutes.

Felületfertőtlenítés/Surface disinfection

A készítményt töményen, hígítatlanul kell alkalmazni.
Az előzőleg megtisztított fertőtlenítendő felületet nedvesítse be a készítménnyel, úgy hogy kezeletlen részek ne maradjanak, majd hagyja megszáradni.
Behatási idő: 5 perc. A behatási idő alatt a felületet nedvesen kell tartani.
The product should be applied concentrated, undiluted.
Moisten the previously cleaned surface to be disinfected with the preparation so that untouched parts do not remain, and then let it dry.
Exposure time: 5 minutes. During the exposure time, the surface must be kept wet.